Impact Analysis

Discover what’s driving your scores to change

NPS, CSAT, sentiment score. Understand which trends impact your key metrics, understand the "why" behind your scores, and get insights that will enable you to make smarter CX decisions.

Image portraying chattermill product featureImage portraying chattermill product feature

Your NPS is more than just a score

Do you know why your NPS score is the way it is? With Impact Analysis, you can find out why it dropped or increased, drill down into specific drivers, and find the underlying causes. Chattermill lets you dive deeper to find out exactly what's driving change.

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Measure how customer sentiment changes over time

No more spending long hours searching for actionable insights. Now you can easily track customer sentiment over time, compare results month to month, or year over year. See key changes in one view and highlight the most relevant trends without lifting a finger.

Image portraying chattermill product feature
Image portraying chattermill product feature

Enable your team by giving direction for change

Don't let your big, strategic goals be limited to score improvements. Instead, empower the team by sharing valuable insights that allow change with confidence. Answer challenging questions right on the spot, add impact analysis to your exec presentations and make a true impact with data-driven ideas for improvement.

What can Impact Analysis reveal?

Why did your NPS score drop last month? What's causing your customers to be unhappy? What can you change to improve your customer experience? Slice  your data into particular customer segments, verticals, or products in real-time and in a single dashboard with Impact Analysis.

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Seamless integrations with your tools

Integrate feedback data from any source to get insights

Chattermill natively integrates with over 50+ different customer feedback channels giving you and your teams a single source of customer truth.

Get started quickly with pre-built connectors

Import and analyse feedback from any source

Share insights by connecting to Slack, Jira, Teams, and more

“Chattermill is a game-changer that has revolutionized how we engage with feedback."
Julia Zuber
Senior Customer Insights Manager, Limehome
“With Chattermill, every department can easily understand what drives sentiment.”
Steve Crolic
Head of VoC
“Chattermill enables 
our team to uncover customer insights deeper than ever before.”
Nilan Peiris
Chief Product Officer

See Chattermill
in action

We’d love to learn more about what you’re trying to achieve, show you around the platform, and explore how Chattermill can help you understand the real voice of your customers.

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