AI Feedback Analytics

Analyze all your customer feedback with powerful AI feedback analytics

When AI takes on the burden of unifying and analyzing customer feedback in real time, your team gains clarity and confidence on how to improve the experience of your customers.

Image portraying chattermill product featureImage portraying chattermill product feature

Get a single view of the voice of the customer

Chattermil integrates with 50+ different sources of customer feedback – think online reviews, support tickets, customer surveys, chat messages, and more. It unifies insights across the entire customer journey into a single view, breaking data silos and giving your team a shared understanding of the voice of the customer.

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Group comments into themes 10x faster with AI

No more copying and pasting comments into spreadsheets and manually tagging conversations. With Chattermill, our machine-learning models categorise your customer feedback, and you can also create custom themes specific to your needs. Both will save you hours reading, tagging, and analyzing unstructured feedback.

Image portraying chattermill product feature
Image portraying chattermill product feature

Pinpoint powerful insights with intelligent filters

Filter your customer comments by date, company name, product, and more. Separate power users from occasional buyers, SMB customers from enterprise, and advocates from detractors. Now you can analyze the voice of the customer in hundred different ways, and faster than ever before.

Remove translation barriers, and get complete visibility into your CX

Chattermill supports 100+ languages, more than any other solution on the market. Our advanced machine learning models analyze feedback in the original language and translate it into English so you can easily analyze comments in both language versions.

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Seamless integrations with your tools

Integrate feedback data from any source to get insights

Chattermill natively integrates with over 50+ different customer feedback channels giving you and your teams a single source of customer truth.

Get started quickly with pre-built connectors

Import and analyse feedback from any source

Share insights by connecting to Slack, Jira, Teams, and more

“Chattermill is a game-changer that has revolutionized how we engage with feedback."
Julia Zuber
Senior Customer Insights Manager, Limehome
“With Chattermill, every department can easily understand what drives sentiment.”
Steve Crolic
Head of VoC
“Chattermill enables 
our team to uncover customer insights deeper than ever before.”
Nilan Peiris
Chief Product Officer

See Chattermill
in action

We’d love to learn more about what you’re trying to achieve, show you around the platform, and explore how Chattermill can help you understand the real voice of your customers.

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