The single feedback analysis platform for all your teams

Data silos have cut you off from your feedback. Now you’re losing customers.

Stop working with data that’s scattered across platforms.
Now you can shift your focus to the customer and quickly identify opportunities for improvement.


The #1 platform for leading companies that match the customer voice across all their teams

Leaders in customer experience connect their data sources to increase profits
The Problem

You can’t create a single view of your customers

Customer feedback is scattered across different platforms and data sources
You can’t get a comprehensive view of your customer experience
Data analysis is fragmented, so high impact opportunities are hidden in silos

Each team collects the feedback relevant to them. But what happens when you need to share insights across the business?

Stop tracking your company’s feedback in spreadsheets where you can’t match problems to the relevant teams.
Now you can create a single source of truth for all your functions.

Access a Goldmine of Customer Generated Ideas
Create a bridge between your customers and stakeholders
“With Chattermill, every department can easily understand what drives sentiment up or down, monitor how it changes over time, and identify key areas for improvement”
Steve Crolic
Associate Director Voice of the Customer
Connect feedback sources

Pull in feedback from every touchpoint

Pull in feedback from 100+ sources so you can analyze customer sentiment across all your touchpoints within a single platform.

Link data from surveys, online reviews, product feedback, and more

Easily connect data from your support tickets and chat messages

Analyze social posts and comments from Facebook, TikTok, or Instagram

Integrate your custom datasets to create a single source of truth

Improve collaboration

Bring teams and work together

Struggling to create impact with disconnected teams? Unify your customer intelligence so that teams can report on the same metrics, align on strategic initiatives, and make joint decisions.

Add an unlimited number of users for no extra costs

Slice and dice data by team, customer segment, or geography

Create team-specific dashboards that become your shared workspace

Use customer feedback to decrease returns and abandoned carts, maximize order value, and drive revenue

Send data to every team

Share insights across your teams

Get feedback to the right team so issues are fixed before they impact profit. Connect all your tools, processes, and data so you can share insights without disrupting work.

Send automated reports with the latest customer insights

Use anomaly detection to keep everyone informed of emerging risks

Easily export your reports and add more context to charts

Integrate with Slack and your favourite collaboration tools

Use dashboards and reports

Enable everyone to make quick decisions

Spending hours analyzing customer feedback data simply to address daily questions from other teams? Let everyone get the information they need with an intuitive user interface.

Enable teams to discover emerging trends and build reports with AI

Deliver instant GPT-generated summaries of support tickets and long email threads

Allow internal stakeholders to get answers to any business question

Access a Goldmine of Customer Generated Ideas
Integrate data from diverse sources
“With Chattermill, everyone has access to our customer research. Each team considers the voice of the customer in their decision-making. It is in their DNA to be customer-focused.”
Mathieu Le Roux
Voice of the Customer Expert, Qonto

Work together to align your customer’s voice with wider business goals

Stop relying on data that isn’t easily shared. Give specific teams and roles visibilityinto the positive and negative feedback that drives customer outcomes.

Import and analyse feedback from 100+ sources

Get started quickly with an intuitive interface

Share charts and comment feeds to easily loop in relevant teams

Explore why some customers come back (and why others don’t)

Use our proprietary Machine Learning model, Lyra AI

Reduce contact requests to your support teams

Identify returns patterns and adjust your products quickly

Filter for anything (because every team wants different granular detail)

Share insights by connecting Chattermill to Slack, Jira, Teams, and more

Benefit from expert managed services support

Schedule my custom live demo

Join top organizations who unify their customer data across the whole company

“Chattermill is a game-changer that has revolutionized how we engage with feedback."
Julia Zuber
Senior Customer Insights Manager, Limehome
“With Chattermill, every department can easily understand what drives sentiment.”
Steve Crolic
Head of VoC
“Chattermill enables 
our team to uncover customer insights deeper than ever before.”
Nilan Peiris
Chief Product Officer

See Chattermill
in action

We’d love to learn more about what you’re trying to achieve, show you around the platform, and explore how Chattermill can help you understand the real voice of your customers.

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