Refer a friend and earn up to $600

Refer a friend or someone in your network who you think would benefit from using Chattermill.

Here's how it works:

Upon receiving your referrals, we will send them a note that explains why we are contacting them and arrange an introductory chat.

At the end of the chat, if they are a good fit and interested in scheduling a demo, we will reward you your $100 gift card. If they end up becoming a customer, you’ll receive a further $500+ gift card (minumum $500, but could be more depending on the value of the contract)!

What qualifies as a referral?

Who is Chattermill best suited for?

Do I need to be involved in the process?

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Tell us about your referral

How does Chattermill pricing work?

How much does Chattermill cost per user?

Do I have to pay extra for Workflows and Dashboards?